Mission. Drive-To-Work assists low income or previously incarcerated persons to restore their driving privileges so they can drive to work and keep a job. Recognizing how important a driver's license is to many jobs, Drive-To-Work provides legal and other services and is the only organization in Virginia directly addressing this issue.
Strategies. Drive-To-Work carries out its mission by offering three important services:
- legal services to individuals to restore their driving privileges
- driver education services, including driver improvement clinics
- seminars and presentations on "How To Get Your License Back" for re-entry programs
Advocacy. Drive-To-Work advocates of changes in the law to improve opportunities for suspended individuals to get their licenses back. Drive-To-Work is widely recognized for its expertise and leadership in legislative changes on driver's license issues in Virginia.
Annual Second Chance Luncheon. Drive-To-Work has hosted the Second Chance Community Luncheon each year since 2013. This event brings together the legal and governmental communities to learn more about the plight of the unlicensed driver, to meet successful clients and to acknowledge Drive-To-Work’s accomplishments in sustaining our mission.